Sunday, January 14, 2018


A few years ago,  it became a "Blogging" trend to begin the New Year
 with a word that would reference the direction you intended the year to go. 

I have hopes to blog once more....and the word I will choose to direct my path 
will be "Mindful". 

I did not mean to leave my blog....
but my heart was to heavy to continue to document events. 

2017 began with a personal health scare. 
 It was frightening and unsettling.  It was resolved and I am blessedly well. 

Sadly, that was not true for those I love and hold dear. 
In the course of one year, I have lost four women who mean very much to me.

They taught me about courage.  They were examples of lives well led. 
Each loss broke my heart, and it seemed frivolous to blog 
about daily joyous moments when my heart was closer to despair. 

But in these moments, I was uplifted by blogs that did share happiness and joy. 
I treasured those moments very much.

On occasion I would revisit my blog and marvel at how my sweet Grandchildren have grown,
how many blessings I have in my life, and how quickly time has passed.

So I will document these events once again.
  For myself...and if anyone reading this finds joy in my photos and words,  I am humbled and grateful. 

Of the many lessons I learned in 2017, 
 the most profound was that God was with me
 each step of the way. 

He has not promised us a life without sorrow....
but He has been steadfast in making Himself known in my darkest moments. 

The most joyful event was the birth of our Taylor Joy in the beginning of 2017. 

I was not permitted to be there when she was born.
We were uncertain of what illness I was dealing with, and medical opinion was 
to stay away so not to infect our sweet new Granddaughter. 

By Valentines Day  my medical tests showed a return to health.  As the specialist said 
"He had never seen infection numbers so high, reverse so quickly". 

No explanation for why.....only God knows.

But I do know that in the depths of sorrow this year, our Taylor JOY was the bright
spark.  The reason to smile, the reason to rejoice. 

I pray for a year of being MINDFUL. 

To be thankful for the blessings of my life.
To be mindful of my needs and not my wants.
To be mindful that of all the gifts in my life,
family remains the greatest. 

So I will once again share the joy....and welcome you along the journey.  


Meghan said...

This is beautiful. I hope writing and preserving your memories here with also begin to bring healing to your heart. Love you, Momma.

Yvonne said...

Sometimes sad things in life seem to be piling up. Gladly there are always happy times in between that keeps us going.
I wish this year will be a good one for you.

Linda in Arkansas said...

Lovely word for the year and so appropriate. I'm so sorry to hear that life has been hard for you this past year with the passing of your loved ones. I see that your little Taylor Joy is adorable! What a joy she is. I'm so glad you have had God to help you through - He's is always there.