Monday, September 29, 2008

Some people love their birthdays, and some people simply tolerate the day.  I am somewhere in between.  I embrace getting older and thank God for the privilege of each day.  I struggle with the question "what do you want for your birthday?".  I am one of those lucky people who has much and needs little.  So I try to come up with something that represents what I would want,  and hope I don't burden those who want to gift me.  So this year the world of BLOG became my wonderful gift.  It began by telling my children that what I would LOVE for my birthday would be for them to contribute to the Nie Nie fund.  For those who do not know, you must search google and put in Nie Nie.  It will touch your soul and break your heart, but the lessons you will learn will change your outlook on life.  And so that is the profound gift that has started my 56th year.  The best part of choosing a "giving" gift is that it comes back to bless you.  Meghan, to fill my wish, searched out the Nie Nie Dialogs and then it connected her with C Jane Enjoy It.  From there her eyes opened to the possibility of having her own blog and then the thought that I might enjoy a blog too.  And that is where this begins....with a gift that will connect me to all those I care about.  A chance to share my life, although it is a very simple one.  I hope my blog will bring joy and inspiration to all who read it. 


Meghan said...

Happy Birthday to the most deserving woman I know. I love you Mama!

mary said...

Thank you for starting your blog!
When I count my blessings I count YOU!