Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas ponderings.....

Meghan and I walked side by side as we left church...both of us deeply inspired by the message that had been shared.  Meghan said " I feel like this is the happiest Christmas ever", and I have to agree.  
    Why it feels so special is a bit of a wonder to me.  Is it because we have all made a commitment to not buy gifts for each other this year?   Is the joy in our hearts because we are spending more time just being together and less time chasing the elusive "perfect gift" in some mall? 
    This weekend has been an example of finding the true joy and meaning of the holiday.  We have spent time making gifts, and shared deep  discussion about what recipes we should try for the meals we will share together. We are excited about Oma's St. Nicholas party next weekend and are giddy just thinking about our "weekend home" in Montecito.  We look forward to just being together....what purchased gift can give more joy than that????
     I have memories in my heart that I cherish.  Oma giving Meghan an ornament for the tree that says "Best Teacher".  Jim looking like a little boy putting his train around the base of the tree.  Even the kitty seems more content than usual, propped against a Christmas pillow and watching the train go round and round.
    So maybe this is what Christmas is supposed to be.  A time to reflect on the love of a Mother for her Child and the beauty of His birth.  A time to know that families are precious and the time we spend together is the gift we should seek. I know I am enjoying this time more than I thought possible.  I hope the same for all of you. 


Jacqueline Korteland Boller said...

If it weren't for this cold, I would have gotten more done this weekend, but it's just the way it goes...I'm feeling more relaxed this year than in previous years, that's for sure, since we've also made a pack not to over spend on gifts. I've managed to do one main gift per kid, husband, and parent...and maybe some Philosophy for me!:) It's nice, though, to give ourselves permission to just enjoy each other without the pressure of expectations of gifts...amen to that!

Nanette Merrill said...

Just being together at the holidays is the most important gift of all.