Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Feeling Snuffly.....

 Like everyone it seems I know....I have the "snuffles".  

So, I am hanging out with some friends. 

 This one is my favorite....tea with lemon and honey. 
 Makes me feel SOOOOO good!!!

Speaking of SEW good....I feel fine.  I sound not so fine.

But I am good enough to work on this for the afternoon, and that makes me feel LOTS better!!!!


Cheryl said...

Hope you are better soon...we all had that crud!! Beautiful project you are working on!

Meghan said...

Is there anything I can so for YOU? Poor thing! You need to shake this cold once and for all.

Yvonne said...

Sewing is the best treatment for lots of things isn't it? Hope your cold goes away quickly.

Jacqueline Korteland Boller said...

Feel Better!!