Monday, January 12, 2009

Pilgrim's Progress....

One of my favorite books is Little Women.  I can read it again and again and I am always touched and moved to tears by the journey of the four sisters as they travel thru life.
     There is one chapter where they are all trying to emulate the path to goodness that is written about in the book Pilgrim's Progress.  They succeed in some ways and need to work harder on some tasks.  That pretty much has described my week.
     Since this is "check in Monday" on our path to svelteness, I will share ( just as the Pilgrim's did) on my successes and my failures.  There were plenty of both.
    On the sewing path, I have excelled.  I have used STASH to finish both a Valentine's quilt and a diaper bag that I am giving as a gift.  Both are just adorable....I felt proud as could be.
     My knitting is a process of success and failure, but I am learning that the victory comes with determination and patience.  My baby sweater ( for no one in particular) is going well. What I lack in knitting ability, I balance with the joy I have in spending more time with my Mom.  She has an amazing talent to knit anything, and I continue to hope that in time it will rub off on me.
     Ok....leaving the diet part for last.  BIG failure.  This week has been a mix of stress, sorrow and just an inability to not confuse emotions with a need to feed myself.  I will strive to do better this week. 
     But my sisterhood of dieters have made a wonderful effort in sharing recipes and support.  I will do the same and hope that the week to come has me more focussed !!!!  Like a weary Pilgrim, I am taking more steps forward, than backwards.  I hope the path is a little less treacherous this week, and in a reasonable amount of time I will look less like my before picture ( with my very cute knitting teacher), and more like the fit person I hope I can be.

2 cloves garlic
1 medium onion, 1 med bell pepper, 2 cucumbers all finely chopped
1/4 cup good olive oil and 1/4 cup wine vinegar
a dash of tabasco or horseradish ( I like mine hot and spicy)
48 ounces of tomato juice.
    Mix all together, chill and enjoy.  Great source of vitamins and very tasty too.



Red Geranium Cottage said...

You can do it Anne. My week hasnt been so good either. Being away from home is not the way to spend your first week on a diet. LOL But when I get home Wed. I'm back on track. And so will you. So get going!!!! Dont think about last week think about the next one.
Good for you putting the photo up again.

Jacqueline Korteland Boller said...

I need to get back on the Wii Fit totally out of the habit since school's back in session! But I will!! And you'll get back on track too!!

Love your creations!!

Meghan said...
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Meghan said...

Oh Marmi! You are so cute! I am proud of you regardless. I found this pic of me and you in my bible this weekend. It is the best goal pic ever. You are skinny, tan, and have an awesome haircut. I am sticking it on your fridge this weekend!!!! I am right there with you. I had to drag my chubby butt to the gym tonight. I put in 30 mins and hated myself looking at all the super toned girls surrounding me. It's a never ending battle.
At least we're surrounded by good friends and great hubbies that love us all the same. You're my sunshine Momma! Keep up the good work.

Cheryl said...

We'll get to it Annie. I am with you, my week not so good. But tomorrow is a new day and we can make different choices. You have had a lot going on. And don't forget our after picture in May!!!