In my last post I shared that Sundays are my favorite day of the week....but I have to confess I have many favorites. Mondays are equally fun because we know as the day slips into evening, we all meet at Oma's for a fun evening of handwork and friendship.

My Mom is amazingly gifted at handwork. I can't remember a time that she didn't have knitting needles in her hands, creating gifts for all of us. In a moment of madness I decided that it was time that I too learned the crafts of knitting and crocheting.

Oma makes it all look so easy. From a sweet skein of yarn she creates the cutest things. Here is her matching tea cozy and hotpad. She rarely makes these things for herself....she is such a s dear and giving person. I know the surprise recipient will be thrilled to have this treasure. The smaller pink project is a headband for a darling little girl. We find the patterns online and give Oma the picture...she is creative enough to do the rest!
Here I am pretending to know what I am doing. I make more mistakes than I can count, and more knitting gets pulled out than goes into my project. Some days I am very discouraged, but my Mom won't let me quit! I know in time I will "get it", but I also know that in order to be as talented as my Mom I should have started at three like she did! And yes, I am wearing my pjs....that is the best part of Handwork Mondays. You come as you are!

Linda is giggling because she wants to know why I told her this would be fun! Poor Linda has a huge problem...she believes the things I tell her. I told her we could do this. So each Monday we go to Mom's sweet cottage and try again. Note to self...lacy scarves are NOT fun!!!

Kim comes sometimes too. She is two knitting clicks ahead of Linda and I because she appears to know what she is doing! She made some lovely gloves for her sweet daughter Courtney. I think we all come for the dessert too. Oma can knit and bake....what a treasure!
But mostly I like to come to spend time with those I love....my sweet Mom and my dear friends. I hope in time to be able to make things like my Mom does. Here is another one of her "quick" projects. I found this pattern online and Mom made this for a sweet young lady that I hope will be able to join us for Handwork Mondays this summer when school is finished.

Nothing is as dear as sharing our talents with those we love, and this picture shares that moment. When we look at the things we treasure, the things made by hand and given from the heart are always best.
Wow!! That teapot cover looks amazing! I'd love to have that pattern!!!
What a wonderful way to spend Monday evenings!
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