Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Weekend to celebrate..... was the weekend to celebrate birthdays. Mine and my Mom's and while that alone would bring lots of joy, there were even more things to add happiness !!!!
I got to treat Jilly to a "maternity" shopping day. Who knew that Anthropologie would have such cute clothes to bring a smile to a "Mom to be's" face??? How cute is that bitty baby excited are we for March????
There was time to spend with our " fur" Grandbaby who is definitely in the toddler stage. Houseproofing is a must !!!

And then the "Parents in waiting" got to hold sweet little Ryan....who was born on September 25th. He is the son of our nephew, and looks so much like his very handsome Dad.
...and how sweet is this? Oma holding her 4th Great Grandchild. How precious and how blessed she feels.
But....there is still some joy to SHARE and I want to thank ALL of you who wished ME a happy birthday and joined in my little giveaway!!!
Not only blog love, but also emails asking me if they could enter too. I heard from places across the US and all the way to Israel ( waving hello). I put all fourteen names in a bowl and drew out......Juanice!!!!
I have your quilt ready for it's new home along with some other goodies to help brighten the giving. Congrats and thanks for participating in my first giveaway.
Back to my travel log tomorrow. XXX


Jacqueline Korteland Boller said...

How very cute the growing family is! So fun to watch the next generation arriving, but kind of confusing to figure out how we're all related to one another!! LOL!! More cousins the merrier!!

Cheryl said...

OK Annnie I need to be fired by the friend department....A belated happy birthday to you!! We will celebrate at quilt camp! Mom to be is so darn sweet! I can't wait for March!!