Sunday, October 7, 2012

Remember when I knew how to sew????

Our dear travelers caught the train and are enjoying a vacation along the Central Coast.

Which meant I had time to pull out some stash and play!!!

I have been so excited to begin this adorable "Row Along". 

You can play too....

I began something new...

....and worked on an "ongoing" project. 

I even took a class with my new BFF. 

There was even some spare time to crochet...

and if you are wondering,
 I did fit in some time to clean the house
but that hardly seems blog worthy !!!!


Beverly said...

My goodness you have a lot going on there. I especially love your Row a Long. I have been so tempted to start that, just haven't been able to sqeeeeeze it in. Now you have inspired me to get over there and find out what it is about.
Happy Sewing friend. You deserve some me time.

Carol said...

Busy, Busy girl! Love your Row Along fabrics and your trees are going to be wonderful! Oh your mom and brother are just as cute as they can be! What fun for them.

Yvonne said...

Cleaning the house is something we woman manage to do 'in between' isn't it? Otherwise we would never find the time to sew! You are getting really some nice things done. Love the butterflies they remind me of my Mom, she loved them!
What a great adventure your Mom and Oom Piet are having taking a trip like that!

Jacqueline Korteland Boller said...

Housework can wait!!! I've been busy stitching again myself!!

Cheryl said...

Love your header!!!!! I can't wait to make the it camp yet?!