Sunday, November 18, 2012

Back from Camp Cedar Glen....

A full week of quilting with Eleanor Burns...and we had SEW much fun!!!!

There was MUCH laughter!!!!

Reunions of dear friends.....

Fun Celebrations!!!

An adorable "Make and Take" pincushion.  

El previewed her newest book and quilts....

.....and shared her lovely home filled to the brim with more quilts. 

There were yummy things to enjoy during the house and studio tour....

...and all of it was so enjoyable!!!!

El has a way of making everyone feel special.

Sew expect LOTS of posts about quilts, silliness,
 more quilts and ALL of the fun we had!!!!


Beverly said...

That looks like sew much fun. What a great atmosphere for friends to quilt and have fun (and eat). Can't wait to see it bring it on.

Jacqueline Korteland Boller said...

Looks like such fun!! Loved to go with you sometime if they don't mind my knitting that cute pin cushion is a possibility!!!

Yvonne said...

If it was just as perfect as your picture I can imagine the fun and pleasure you have had all week! Looking forward to see what you sewed.

Candace said...

Looks like SEW much fun! Sew envious!!