Monday, November 19, 2012

How about FREE!!!!!

I interrupt my next Camp post by offering you a FREE gift....
courtesy of Shutterfly!!!!

Check out a cute way to take a favorite photo...and turn it into a memorable card.  

What a very SWEET DEAL!!!!

Pick out your card....and use code TREATBLOGR
and your card will be absolutely FREE!!!!

What a great deal....priceless.
Deal is good for ONE card

Must be used on Monday, November 19th
Tuesday, November 20th.



Beverly said...

Oh darn, I am a day late and a...oh well, that's another story.
But I must say, those are the cutest pictures of your little ones. It seems they all love the camera.
Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving, my sweet friend.

Cheryl said..., so, so, so cute!!! What sweet pictures. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. (hugs) miss you