Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year....

Our New Years's Celebration will be a quiet one.  But it will be LOTS of fun.

Quiet dinner with family and friends and then a marathon Downton Abbey Night!!!!

I would watch just to see the costumes....dreamy perfection.

I have lots to work on while we watch.  

Finally finished quilting this to handsew the binding. 

Finished piecing this ongoing ( like in forever) project.

Now to embellish and embroider the details.

When I tire of the yarn bag is full with a project too.

This one doesn't need to be finished til June, when I hope it will keep a "Little Miss" cozy.

Happy New Year.....and blessings for a great year ahead.  


Hollie said...

Oh I cannot wait until I see ALL of the fabulous things you make for little miss. I will be very jealous!! How exciting. Happy New Year. I hope Ella and I can see you soon.

Yvonne said...

A happy year to you and your family too Annelies! What a beautiful quilts you are making, love the pastel colours!

Beverly said...

Happy New Year my friend. Love seeing your happy family. Congratulations on the upcoming new addition. I wanted to ask about that envelope, but didn't want to pry. I still haven't seen Downtown Abbey...must do in the new year. Love your sweet little quilt.