Sunday, March 15, 2009

Who Knew?????

One of the difficult parts about teaching is that I watch my students make projects, but I don't get to "play" along. So this week Sara took on the roll of teacher, so I could play student. It was SEW much fun!!!
Who knew you could take some clothes line, a glue stick and some fabric ( including the "what was I thinking when I bought this fabric") and turn it into something fun and useful?
What a fun evening of creativity and laughter. With Sara's wonderful teaching we all became basket makers! Each one as different as the basket maker who made it. I can't thank Sara enough for introducing me to one more obsessive hobby!!!!
When I got home I decided it needed a bitty about some seashells that were part of Meghan and Dustin's wedding decor?
Didn't the students do an incredible job? I LOVE Sara's purse in the background. I need to make one of those pronto!
So let the Easter bunny know that I am doing my part.....I am twirling clothesline endlessly. This is horribly addictive, but so much fun!!!!


Pam said...

Ohh very cute!!! What a nice project that would be for my sisters. I wish I lived in CA so I could play too!!

Jacqueline Korteland Boller said...

Oh, this is very cuuute!! I'd love to make this with some of the Mary Engelbreit fabric I've collected...

Kate said...

SEEEEEWWWWW Cute! I'm inspired, I want to make one!

Cheryl said...

boy are those cute!!!! Looks like a very fun day!!!