At times I feel like I accomplish so little.....but maybe it is because I get the wrong kind of help!! What is it about quilting and kitties and why does Bailey always choose to be my helper when I least need her around?

Eleanor's son Orion asked me if I would make a quilt for the newest quilt book, and proof the instructions as I went along. He invited me to take my pick of any of the fabrics in the shop and this just jumped out at me. Or maybe it pirouetted ???

I had lots of fun working on this quilt design and had it quilted and bound in time for the meeting this week. I love the mitered border with all of the cute ballerinas dancing in a line by the ballet barre.

This is the next in line to be quilted....and I can't wait. Part of the delightful problem of working at a publishing company is that you can't purchase a pattern without feeling the need to redo it. So this was created in homage to Anne Sutton....a favorite designer of mine. I tweaked this and changed that and threw in a few bunnies. Now I can't wait to finish it.
....and finally I unpacked my Julian tote and decided I had better finish some projects before I start some new ones. This again was my interpretation of a pattern I had. Wouldn't it just be easier to make the quilt the way it is supposed to be and not change the whole thing? I just purchased the cutest backing ( green polka dots....of course) and hope to get this one quilted soonest. Just screams SUMMER!!!!
I leave you with a final project.....and one this beggining knitter is so proud of. I used a size 8 needles and two complimentary light weight yarns.
You knit the first two rows. Row 3 is simply a k, yo, k, yo all the way to the end. Row 4 is a knit, drop the yo, k, drop the yo and continue to the end. Row 5 is a knit all the way and then repeat rows 3, 4, and 5 til you are happy with the length. Finish by knitting the last two rows.
The sample I saw had yummy silk ribbons tied to the ends of the scarf, and I may do the same.
Good news is that I am not clever enough to change knitting patterns.....but I am sure in due time I won't be content to follow those instructions either!!!
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. It is always a pleasure to meet a fellow quilter.
Love all your projects Annie!!! The quilt for the book is so sweet.
I am laughing, my sons dog (my furry grandson) name is Bailey, who we had here for a few days!!! Do you suppose they could be friends :-)?!
HOW PRETTY! I love the colors.
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