The picture you see above is of Jake and his sweet Mom Jennifer. Jake is officially home from Iraq....but as they say, there is more to the story than that.
Jake was supposed to arrive the middle of the week, but then found out he could leave on an earlier flight. There was NO question that he was ready to come home, but then Jake and Jill devised a devious plot to surprise Jennifer. So instead of the anticipated homecoming on Wednesday, Jennifer was invited to come to dinner on Sunday. The plot thickens, since Jill wanted us to "drop by " after our trip to Santa Barbara ( which was total fiction). The rest of the story follows!

I think you can tell by this picture that Jennifer was truly surprised!!!! Jill pretended to be helping her friend who had "car trouble", but instead picked up Jake at the airport. Joy, joy, joy......our sweet soldier is HOME!!!!

Have you ever seen a more touching photo????

Yes, there was much to celebrate!!!!

We all had jobs to fulfill to keep this surprise from Jennifer. Oma was very diligent in chatting away the afternoon which kept Jennifer busy and not wondering to much about why Jill was taking so long.

Jim had barbeque duty....a soldier comes home very hungry we found out!

A nice bottle of wine and a festive table adds to the special occasion.

I put together some salads.....

....and Oma provided her delicious home made chocolates and some strawberry shortcake.

This has been a photo that we have been looking forward to ALL year long!!! We are grateful to God that Jake is home, that he is healthy ( other than the shoulder surgery he will have very soon), and that our families could be together for this incredible event. Welcome home Jake....thank you for your service. Now just enjoy the fact that we all want to spoil you endlessly!!!!
How wonderful!! Although if you were to suprise me like that, I'd probably have a heart attack!!
What a sweet wonderful post..I have tears. What a special day for his mom and everyone. You guys are all so sweet and such yummy looking food. What a day to treasure! So glad he is home safe and sound.
OMG! I cried mother's tears of joy after reading this post! So happy for you all that Jake returned home safely!
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