Summertime in San Diego means that it is Fair time!!!! For some people this picture describes the most fun....but not for me.
I am all about the Home Arts building.....where I was lucky enough to work as a demonstrator yesterday. I got to meet a lot of nice people and chat about quilts that people have made or would like to make. I had children who wanted to sew and a 96 year old lady who shared with me her legacy of homemaking skills. It was SEW much fun.
Along with the crafts are collections that people submit for everyones delight. This one caught my eye. Somewhere in a box in our garage are my Barbies and I remember having each of these outfits.

But my favorite thing is meeting the craft demonstrators....and these ladies are always my favorites. Look how intricate these tatted doilies are and I just love watching them move those shuttles around to make their lace.

I only dream of making baby things this lovely. Many Mondays of practice with my Mom still doesn't show this kind of quality!

But this sign said it all.....

The quilts that are on display have a protective plastic cover. It does keep them clean, but sadly does not allow you to see all of the detail work clearly.

Better displays are the ones behind glass.....this one made me giggle!

Holidays were well represented....
.... the cross stitch was so intricate that I could hardly imagine the time it would take to complete these pieces. I am always so touched to know that in this techno world, we still take the time to make things by hand and create with our hearts.

So is anyone else shocked that we will be celebrating the Fourth of July next week???? I hate that time seems to go faster each and every year. Guess it is time for me to put up some Patriotic quilts and prepare myself for the sound of firecrackers !!!! I hope you enjoyed the peek at the fair as much as I enjoyed working there....if you can call sitting and quilting WORK!!!!
I've made the Stuff What pattern-changed my border-it's a fun one to make!!
Yup. June went furiously fast. I hope I get an opportunity to go to the Ventura County Fair so I can see the talent there.
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